
Have you ever aspired to invest in Africa? Join us in exploring green investment opportunities in the Democratic Republic of Congo, Morocco, and Senegal through our Angel Investor programme.

Join other like-minded individuals and learn how to collectively invest in small and medium enterprises as an angel investor! Dive into a world of learning, connection, and sustainable investment ventures tailored to your interests. Drive meaningful change while discovering and investing in promising opportunities across Africa!

Angel Investor  Fellowship Highlights

The Angel Investor program is a gathering of driven individuals with a passion for investing, entrepreneurship, and venture capital, ready to invest in selected businesses in the Democratic Republic of Congo, Morocco, and Senegal. The programme will give you the ability to: 

  • Develop key skills and knowledge needed to be an angel investor 
  • Navigate the key stages of angel investing, from evaluating compelling investment opportunities, creating an investment portfolio, to developing exit strategy
  • Apply the learning from the programme to evaluate real business case studies 
  • Get to know sustainable businesses based in the Democratic Republic of Congo, Morocco, and Senegal operating in green economy sectors such as Food and Agriculture, Renewable energy, Water Sanitation and Health (WASH), Manufacturing, and Digital Solutions supporting the Green Economy
  • Start investing and engage in cross-border investments through Zidicircle Coop (more information on the Coop below)

The Zidicircle Coop is a member-driven investment vehicle that enters into investment agreements with selected startups and SMEs, serving as the investor on behalf of all its members, or a group of members. This approach is designed to streamline the investment process, making it more efficient and effective for both the Coop’s members and the businesses in which they invest. The members have a strong desire to save part of their diaspora remittances towards collective investment in the most promising ventures to amplify their impact. This strategy ensures that the  beneficial ownership of these investments resides with the members. Returns and benefits derived from these investments are directly passed on to the members, aligning with their individual investment goals and the collective mission of all. As part of the programme, fellows will be enrolled to the Coop and get investment support.

Benefits of the Fellowship

Aside from access to all training materials on the Zidicircle School learning platform and attending an in-person retreat session in Brussels,  you will also be able to: 

  • Foster networking opportunities with peers and seasoned investor mentors.
  • Be part of group mentoring by accomplished fellows from Zidicircle’s angel investors community.
  • Access ZidiCircle Coop diaspora investment tools and a supportive community to help you in your investment endeavors.
  • Access to the online learning platform of the ZidiCircle Angel Investing school.

Format of the Fellowship:

  • The programme will take 4 weeks from the 27th May 2024 
  • The programme involves a mix of online videos  through the Zidicircle School platform, Q&A sessions with investor experts and  a saturday retreat in Brussels on 22 June 2024
  • A set of videos will be shared each week followed by a Zoom Q&A session with investor experts  and a chance to meet other investors, ask questions and exchange with each other. 
  • A time commitment of  least 2.5  hours per week is needed




The Angel Investor programme is sponsored by the Belgian government, and participants access comprehensive learning materials, attend expert sessions and networking opportunities.  

However, participants are requested to make an investment commitment of €100 which goes into a collective funding pool via the Zidicircle Coop as savings for investing into your chosen business. Once the training is completed and the participant has chosen the company to invest in, they will add to the initial €100 with their investment amount. All due diligence and investment support will be provided by Zidicircle.



Submit your application by 19 May 2024, 23h CEST to secure your spot! Further information will be provided within 3 days after the submission of application.


Upcoming info session: You can join an online information session about the programme on May 13 2024, 18h – 19h CEST. Kindly register here to attend the session. 

For FAQ on the programme, click on this link

For any other enquiries, please email us at:


About the O-REMIT project: 

This initiative is funded by the Belgian government and implemented by IOM in Belgium and Luxembourg, Zidicircle, Ondernemers voor Ondernemers vzw, and National Bank of Belgium. The project aims to offer the African diaspora living in Belgium cost-effective alternatives for remittances and opportunities for investment of savings.

Want to delve deeper into the O-REMIT project and learn about our partners? Visit the website here


More about the Zidicircle Coop: 

To address limited access to traditional capital, Zidi introduces the Coop Investment Vehicle. This innovative platform enables diasporans to pool their resources, overcoming financial constraints and empowering even those with smaller denominations of investments to make a substantial impact. By leveraging the power of pooling, Zidi transforms the investment landscape, providing an accessible and inclusive platform for diasporans to invest in SMEs in their home and host countries.

The Zidicircle Coop was initiated by an organised group of diaspora individuals from previous angel investment  programmes who were confronted with the lack of an investment structure after completing the training. The Coop enters  into investment agreements with start-ups or small and medium-sized businesses  on behalf of its members who decided to invest in the selected businesses. The beneficial ownership from those investments lies with the members. 

The Coop is managed by a board of directors who are elected by the members. 

Learn more about the Coop here

Launch of O-remit cohort 1