Our international entrepreneurship programme is designed for entrepreneurs who want to have a good foundation for their businesses in the following areas:

  1. Streamlining a sustainable business model,
  2. Creating innovative products or services,
  3. Defining their customer segments,
  4. Getting the pricing right,
  5. Defining the right distribution channels and marketing,
  6. Defining and discovering more revenue streams,
  7. Defining the costs structure of their business,
  8. Managing resources,
  9. Becoming investor-ready
  10. Preparing to pitch.

Participants who join our 6 months programme access a blended package of 10 modules of business training, 4 months mentorship by experienced industry professionals, monthly group coaching sessions, fast-tracked fundraising, a chance to be matched with SME’s/investors and exposure to a rich commercial network. They also get a Demo day, where they pitch to both national and international potential partners, investors and clients. Pitch winners get up to $5000 in investments and other incentives from our partners.

Since not all businesses are at the same level, we have decided to offer different packages as below;

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