Zidicircle Thursdays are aimed at offering our community of entrepreneurs more tools and information to build sustainable businesses while offering a platform for collaboration and networking.

At the upcoming Alumni Meetup, scheduled for the 22nd of April 2022, we will have a Partnership Workshop to discuss how entrepreneurs can identify the perfect co-founder for their business.

We normally hold our Alumni meetups on the 4th Thursday of each month geared at creating an environment for our entrepreneurs to have more collaboration and networking. Here our alumni come together to offer insights to upcoming entrepreneurs on how to navigate the entrepreneurship journey.

However, for this special webinar, we’ll do it on a Friday, the 22nd of April 2022.

Here are some impressions from our past meetups:

25th Nov. 2021 alumni meetup screenshot                                     27th Jan. 2022 Alumni meetup screenshot

Join us for the webinar and learn more about finding the right co-founder for your startup. The event will be on 22nd April 2022 at 1 PM EAT/ 12 PM CET/ 10 AM GMT. Reserve your spot here!