Last September in partnership with IOM-UN Imigration we kicked off  a  diaspora Entrepreneurship programme with about 40 Diaspora entrepreneurs  aimed at encouraging the Ghanaian and Ethiopian diasporas residing in the Netherlands, or Dutch entrepreneurs in partnership with the diaspora, to engage themselves as entrepreneurs for the development of the private sector in Ghana and Ethiopia..

We believe this group has the best of two worlds in terms of skills and markets know how and with their demonstrated ventures and strong local teams they are contributing to social economic development both in Africa and Europe.

We started with a one month entrepreneurship bootcamp and we scanned and revamped their business models, then followed by a 6months t mentorship by senior experts from PUM here in the Netherlands. We were to go on a mission this spring and visit their businesses in Ghana and Ethiopia, but unfortunately Covid stopped it and we postponed. We are now executing the next chapter which is fundraising and investor readiness via  online webinars.

Our 6th and last webinar of a 6 week series will be held on 12th August 2020 at 2.00pm t0 3.30pm Amsterdam time.



14.00 hrs-14.30 hrs The Key Components of the Ethiopian Diaspora Agency Mohammed Endris, Deputy Director-General of the Ethiopian Diaspora Agency,
14.30 hrs-15.00 hrs The Investment Climate and Reforms in Ethiopia Noah Alemu, Senior Advisor to Ethiopian Investment Agency
15.00 hrs-15.30 hrs Products and Services Available to the Ethiopian Diaspora Entrepreneurs Ato Yohannes Liku, Commercial Bank Foreign Currency Resource Mobilization Manager
